Astaria is a shamanic sound healer, Reiki Master, intuitive voice coach, and sexual trauma counsellor. She uses light language, soul song, and sound to balance the energy centers of the body, mind and spirit, to help align you back into a state of wholeness, harmony and wellness.

Astaria is an intuitive spirit guide who will walk alongside you as you face the shadow aspects of yourself that are awaiting your integration. She supports you in your emotional release so that you can free old energy and embrace more of your truth.

Clients experience greater joy, lightness, and peace after a session with Astaria. She can also help you free your voice and discover greater clarity around your unique soul gifts and aligned passions.

She uses a variety of techniques that she has learned through her own healing journey of working through sexual trauma to find her voice and share her soul songs. She has guided many sound healing ceremonies all throughout the American continent, and has also impacted the lives of many clients in person and online, helping them to feel more peace, joy, and creativity in their lives.


Kelly and Ricardo Wedding Chicago History Museum ©2019 Jennifer Kathryn PhotographyTestimonials

Astaria’s sacred ceremony of cacao, ecstatic dance and sound immersion was like nothing I have ever experienced before. This combination of healing and awakening agents was perfect in the way that it opened my heart, breathed life through my body and opened my consciousness to the higher dimensions of pure light and oneness for all. I felt connected to cosmos and our Mother Gaia at the same time. The vibrations created synergy and harmony within myself, mind body and soul as well as our collective group of women. You don’t want to miss out on this experience. with Astaria, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime! ~ Lisa LoLa

I am doing SO WELL. Since my session with Astaria, I have honestly been so happy, I’ve gone to bed with a literal smile on my face and have been waking up each morning the same. The dark clouds and fragmented pieces of my being were really impacting my day to day living and I am so grateful for the journey I was able to go through and the healing that came. Thank you thank you thank you. ~ Jordi Lydia

I have noticed such a profound healing in myself and a huge shift since my session with Astaria. My relationship with my partner is on the upswing and it’s really in a healthy place, which is so wonderful. I cannot wait to work more with Astaria. I am so grateful that she helped me to process some old energy from my childhood. The shifts are just absolutely incredible. I love this sort of service. I love it!! ~ Octavia Dulenty

The power of song has helped me transform fear to love. Astaria has been coaching me for the last 2 years using vocal toning and sound healing. My voice and connection to love has grown greatly with her support. My voice has opened and I feel more confident sharing it with others. ~ Jean Pullen

sound ceremony